It’s really my great-grandmother’s fault; you can ask anyone in the family. Always perfectly put together, even in her old age, her hats inevitably complimented her outfit flawlessly as did her lipstick. The fact that she was French took her to a completely different level of sophistication in my mind; and I still think of her as the embodiment of elegance. What more could a little girl ask for, than to play in her makeup and listen to her sing or tell fairy tales in French. This in my four-year-old mind made her the most fascinating person ever to have walked the planet. The stereotype of the alluring and chic French woman is still alive and well today. What is it about French women that makes them seem so sexy, fashionable, and classy that they leave American women falling all over themselves to imitate them? In Mireille Guilano's book she juxtaposes the way French women approach food and pleasure with the American woman's mindset. Equal parts nutrition and style this book has many unique tips on how to change your outlook on food. French Women Don't Get Fat is divided into short, easy to manage, chapters which need not all be read in a single sitting. This is a wonderful book if you are interested in the French way of thinking, and/or changing your own relationship with food.
**Note: the 2nd edition of the book (with a blue cover) has twice as many recipes as the first**
Below are some videos with the author discussing French style and food.
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